
Silent City New York

Silent City New York

I love these streets!

NY is beautiful empty

Left my apt & went for a short walk. Snapshots with my phone of New York streets today. Stay In & Stay Safe. ❤️ New York.
Stay Safe New Yorkers

Ghost city NY, but still beautiful. Wow the city that never sleeps.
A great time of rest, must be surreal. Can’t believe our sweet neighborhood is a ghost town.
Oh nyc nyc nyc

It's really quiet outside! These photos are very empty, but in fact there are only a few people in them, including in a "residential area" like ours! The city that never sleeps is taking a rest.
Ghost town New York City

I never thought I'd see the streets on New York look that empty!
So shocking. ..it looks like we took a tour in some movie studio to see the settings with no actors around.
I’ve never seen New York City so empty before

How many times have I walked through those streets and I never imagined seeing them so alone ...
The only other time I’ve seen NY this quiet was Christmas morning!

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